Thursday, 26 May 2016

Test drive.

If you were in the hall this afternoon you would have seen the proudest vehicle designer makers ever. So much work has gone into this moment to actually sit their teddies into the driving seat and send them on their first journey!
All had a safe drive down the hall with only a few trips needed to the pit stop for emergency repairs.

Each vehicle was designed and made with a particular toy in mind to ensure the size and decoration was perfect. So Kermit got his Green Machine, Mr Snowman got an ice cold car and Monkey got his Rainbow Car complete with a banana design on the sides!

vehicles with wheels

The crucial job of making the wheels, axles and supports and fixing them to the chassis took place today.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Looking Good

The next step in vehicle making is painting and decorating the boxes to look just like the design.

Our next job will be to put the wheels on.