Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Katie's coding

Katie used the Espresso coding program to make Jack climb up a beanstalk!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Science spectacular

We had fun with science today. We used milk, food colouring and washing up liquid. Our results were not quite as we expected but we still had a brilliant time mixing lots of colours! 

Here is a link to the film we watched so you can try it out for yourself at home. 

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rqQSlEViNpk     Or google milk, food colouring, detergent.

We decided that we should have used cream instead of milk as it is thicker. Have fun investigating.


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Quaker Wood.

The Squirrel and Badger classes spent a lovely morning at Quaker Wood yesterday. The volunteers had organised four fab activities for us to do. We did tree measuring, a nature quiz, story telling and bird hunting. Thank you to all the volunteers and helpers for a great morning.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Amazing Author Visit

We had a visit from an author called Clare Jarrett this morning. She talked to us about how she makes her books, who her stories are about and how she creates her pictures. She showed us how to make pictures similar to hers using torn papers. We had a lot of fun making them.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Funny faces for Red Nose Day

The squirrels looked super with their faces decorated for charity.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Local geography

We have been looking at maps of Roydon and seeing what features we recognise and can plot. We drew our houses and found where we lived on the map. Lots of us actually live in Diss so couldn't plot our exact location.

We have thought about our journey from home to school and what features we see on the way. We drew maps of the routes we take.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Natural Art

Today we worked in the style of an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He uses natural materials that he finds in the environment. Often he uses circles and spirals in his designs. Here are our creations.

We worked in pairs, groups or on our own. Quite a bit of time was spent searching for the right stone, twig or leaf. We had to choose the right colours and sizes to fit in our work.

Putting our work in the best place was important as sometimes it was made on a surface that was wrong. Making sure the design stood out from the background was as important as choosing the materials. 

We had good fun creating these even though some times the wind blew our work away! We know they are not made to last but will live for a long time as photos.