Friday, 18 December 2015

Christmas end of term fun!

Squirrels had a lovely last day of term in their Christmas jumpers raising money for charity. They enjoyed using the gifts Father Christmas presented to the class the day before; looking at the Guinness book of records, building domino tracks and creating some lovely artwork from the big box of art and craft. In the afternoon they relaxed and watched the DVD of Arthur Christmas.

Happy Christmas to all of the Squirrels and their families! See you in the new year! 

Wednesday, 16 December 2015


After weeks of hard work the Squirrel and Badger classes performed their production of Hey Ewe three times to audiences.
The entire cast.
Heavenly Angels
With their flock
The sheep
The 3 wise men
and the Emperor 
Our fine narrators 
Mary, Joseph and their trusty donkey
The travelling townspeople 


Daniel designed and made his very own Minion glasses! They look fantastic.

Christmas crafts

We have been busy creating calendars and cards for our families for Christmas.

Christmas sewing

Squirrels have been busy designing, sewing and decorating their Christmas bauble or stocking. They will look lovely hanging from trees for years to come. The children are very proud of their hard work.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Visit to Quaker Wood

Yesterday Squirrels class were joined by the Badgers for a visit to Quaker wood. What a lovely day to choose! The sun shone on us during our walk there and stayed with us all morning until we got back to school!  We had a lovely time working in groups carrying out 4 fascinating activities. We planted new trees, which the children are looking forward to taking their families to see (and maybe even their own children and grand children in the future!). It was really hard work digging the holes, but everyone worked together and two children at a time stood on the spades for an extra push!
We looked for signs of autumn and collected different things, like leaves and berries, to stick onto our sticky 'journey sticks'.
We used a key to find some unusual plants and creatures living in the trees and hedges and on the ground.
Our fourth activity was making pictures from woodland materials. We had to be really careful collecting some of the different types of cut grasses because a family of frogs were hibernating underneath the pile!
A huge thank you to the helpers at Quaker wood for being so enthusiastic, interesting and for making us so welcome (they even supplied us with drinks and biscuits!), Also a huge thank you to Mr Fairweather and Mr Haddrick for offering to come and help us. We hope you had fun too!