Wednesday, 17 September 2014

What is an island?

We've been finding out about Islands and what makes one. Did you know it is land surrounded by water? We have read about Katie Morag, who lives on a small island. 

So we used evidence from the Katie Morag books and from photos of Coll, another small island and created our own. 

Our island has mountains, beaches, woodland, rivers and a jetty, bridges, houses and lighthouses.
Codie and Aidan then went off and built another island.

Kevin and Olivia have drawn their own too.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Nurse Douglas.

On Monday the 1st of September I went to hospital with Mason as he was going to have an operation to have his tonsils and adenoids out. Mason was very brave, we stayed in over night so the nurses could check that Mason was ok. It was fun staying in hospital even though it was quite noisy.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Douglas first outing.

Douglas had his first outing with the Squirrel class of 2014. He went to Caistor with Mason. He had a lovely time and especially liked meeting Rory, making sand castles and going down the slide. Thank you Mason.