Friday, 29 November 2013

Ricky's Rollercoaster!

Ricky worked for ages on this amazing marble run roller coaster. He needed to make a few changes to get the marble to run smoothly from start to finish. He was very proud of it in the end!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Tent investigation

We have been investigators again, this time to find the most waterproof material to make a tent for James Bear.

We investigated some net, tin foil, cellophane, kitchen roll, plastic bag and apron fabric.

We used a cup with a hole in the bottom. Next we placed the material over the top. We stood the cup on a paper towel. 

Then we dropped some spoonfuls of water on the material. 

The plastic bag, cellophane and tin foil were all waterproof but they were not strong. A bear could attack you in a tent made of these! 

We knew the best material because it would not let any water drip onto the paper towel. 

The best material turned out to be the apron fabric so that is what James should make his tent from. It is waterproof and strong.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Douglas Bear

If you are going somewhere or doing something interesting over a weekend remember you can take Douglas Bear with you. He then can have his trip posted here on the blog. He loves visiting new places and seeing new things. His bag is packed ready to go and he has his own sleeping bag a change of clothes and even his own passport! 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


We investigated a selection of materials and realised they have lots of different uses, properties and characteristics. We learnt new words such as absorbent, buoyant, transparent and flexible. 

We found suitable materials for the lenses of a pair of sunglasses. They need to be transparent, waterproof and coloured. 

No good, I can't see through this!

I can see through but it's too blurry.


Ah, this looks better, I can see you!

How do I look?

We investigated the best material for a coat to keep James Bear warm, we needed to use thermometers in our investigation.  


We discovered that the wadding was the best material, it only fell to 32 degrees centigrade but the others fell to between 28 and 31 degrees. They all all started off at 36 degrees and we measured them with a thermometer after 2, 5 and 10 minutes.


Terrific Teddies!

We all brought our favourite teddy bear from home and after looking carefully at the different textures of their fur and the shapes of their body parts we drew our bears. We think our drawings are absolutely amazing.